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Original Fractal Art by Wolfepaw
Glowing BokehJWildfire Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Candy FlowerJWildfire Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Whirling SwirliesJWildfire Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Spiraling OutwardUltraFractal 5 fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | ESplits Spherical Rainbow GlassApophysis 7X fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | SymbiosisFractal Explorer Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Waves of BoneFractal Explorer Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Layerz Upon LayerzJWildfire Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Rainbow Mini-brotUltraFractal 5 fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe). Zoom Factor about 2.06E10. That means I have zoomed into the fractal at 20,000,000,000 magnification. That's a magnification of 20 trillion! Shows the depth of the complexity of fractals. |
WildflowersUltraFractal 5 fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Charged ParticlesFractal Explorer Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Diamonds and BoneFractal Explorer Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Feather Flower FractalTierazon Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Dragon's TreasureTierazon Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Lambda SpheresMind Boggling Fractals (MBF) fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
SpringFractal Explorer Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Fractal Bird of ParadiseApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Butterfly SplitsApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Circus Elephant GraveyardMandelbulb 3D Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) This fractal image was a finalist in the "North American Circus Art Competition", November 2014. | Glyphs GaloreUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Blowin' in the WindUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Bloom in the DarkApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Apo Rainbow GardenA collage of individual Apophysis fractals by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Fractal Focused SwirlsApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Fractal Spring SwatchApophysis fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | HeartstringsApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Lines In LinesApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Portal TurbulenceApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Touching...AlmostMandelbulb 3D Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Thinking of SpringApophysis 7X fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Christmas Woodland FloralApophysis 7X fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Fractal Orange BlossomsUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | FloatingApophysis 7X fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Stained Glass BloomApophysis 7X fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Jelly ArmadaApophysis fractal collage by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | The Ruins at SunsetMandelbulb 3D Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
White BloomsUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Loonie FlowersApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | The NeighborhoodApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Night at the OperaMandelbulb 3D Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Alien PyramidApophysis Fractal Collage with artist's photograph of the moon by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Triborders Hex BubblesApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Your BrainApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Your Brain on FractalsApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Dancing in the WindApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Loonie SparklesApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Portal EmergenceApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | String PartyApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Fractal Textured SpiralUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | CompartmentsMandelbulb 3D Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Wildfire on Gnarl LakeUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Loonie Sparkles TooApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | On the Wings of LoveApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Sunken TreasureA collage of individual Apophysis fractals by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
ConductionApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Silver SwirlsUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Cosmic SunriseApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
The Wave and the RainbowUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Busy ThoughtsApophysis Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Immunologic ResponseMandelbulb3D fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
Fern Sprouts in the ForestUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Lightning StormApophysis fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) | Rolling in the DeepUltraFractal 5 Fractal by Wolfepaw (Peggi Wolfe) |
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