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This New Day––Self-Creation: The Wisdom of an Idiot

by Rich Norman


Born in Philadelphia in 1963, Rich is a painfully introspective and humorous man with a lifelong interest in psychology, music and composition.  Norman, a bandleader and composer of over twenty years turned recluse, now surrenders to his thoughts to write on topics which only experience, illness and irreverence can teach.  Rich has taken the liberty of composing a few self-grandiose and if not humble, scrupulously honest lines of promotion (below) to encapsulate the charms of his first book–––This New Day.


This New Day is a philosophical, psychological narrative which takes 45 years of life experience and distills error, farce and truth into the sort of scathing insight and humor which makes non-fiction books worth reading. The psychology behind the myth of hell; the genesis of the creative drive in man; the modus-operandi of all mono, poly, and non-theistic religions; the nature of obsession, addiction, and the identity of God are just a few of the topics now finally unearthed in this ground-breaking new work.




All artwork in Mind Magazine is the sole property of the artist, and under no circumstance may such work be used without expressed consent and permission of the artist. All text in Mind Magazine is the sole property of the author, and under no circumstance may such text be used without expressed consent and permission of the author.


All information in Mind Magazine is provided for informational purposes only, and is not under any circumstance to be construed as medical advice.

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