
Rich Norman, Editor in Chief:
Oregon resident Rich Norman, is the founder, and editor in chief of Mind Magazine and The Black Watch: The Journal of Unconscious Psychology and Self-Psychoanalysis. A writer, newspaper columnist and musician with degrees in philosophy and music, he is the author of books and scientific papers, spanning philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, verse and fiction.
Rich Norman is a weekly contributor to Christopher Langan's BlogIQ, a blog serving the gifted community. Please go to: and enjoy posts on topics esoteric, needful and uplifting.
Click here for information on Rich Norman's books, papers and music.
Michael Spring, Poetry Editor:
Michael Spring is the author of three poetry collections: "blue crow" (LitPot press, Inc., 2003) "Mudsong" (Pygmy Forest Press, 2005) and "Root of Lightning" (Pygmy Forest Press, 2011). "blue crow" was translated into Portuguese by the University of the Azores. A selection of poems from "Mudsong" was awarded the 2004 Robert Graves Award. "Root of Lightning" was awarded an honorable mention for the 2012 Eric Hoffer Book Award. Michael has also published five chapbooks. His most recent chapbook, "blue wolf" (Dancing Moon Press, 2013), won the 2013 Turtle Island Poetry Award. His poems have appeared in numerous publications, including Atlanta Review, The Dublin Quarterly, Flyway, Gargoyle, Innisfree, The Midwest Quarterly, NEO, and The Oregonian. Michael lives with his partner Hazel Danene, assisting her with permaculture designs and natural building projects on their farm in O’Brien, Oregon. He is a master instructor of Tai Yuan Tao Kung Fu and teaches at Rising Dragon Martial Arts in Cave Junction, OR. He is also a poetry editor for both Mind Magazine and The Pedestal Magazine.
Peggi Wolfe, Head of Graphic Design:
Peggi was a medical research scientist for 35 years, most of them spent at Tulane Health Sciences Center, formerly called Tulane Medical School, in New Orleans, the last 9 years of it as a faculty member doing research with adult bone marrow stem cells. She also spent a year and a half in London, England at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital setting up a immunology research lab for the Chest Department in the late 70s. Since 2009, Peggi has been a Global Programs Specialist at Alcorn State University in MS, working with international students and domestic students who wish to study abroad.
Peggi enjoyed photography and digital photography for years. Through digital photography, she learned a bit about digital graphic editing. After tinkering with that for a few years, mostly just for her own enjoyment and to learn something new, she got into fractal art. After early futile attempts in 1990 to work with the very rudimentary fractal generating software of the time, she rediscovered fractals in September 2008. Fractals are images made using mathematical equations and they are made with special fractal generating software (but you don’t need to know math to do fractals). The software had vastly improved. It was instant love! And she has been fractaling her fool head off ever since!! It’s a wonderful art form of infinite variety, incredible colors and marvelous lighting, and it’s a lot of fun to do. Just ask Mother Nature. Basically, almost all forms in nature are fractals.
Peggi publishes her art under the name of Wolfepaw. Her work has been used in online publications and was included in the January 2012 exhibition in the Museum of Fine Digital Art. The link to the exhibit is: Peggi was recently accepted as an artist in the Natchez Arts Association and will be exhibiting her work in the Arts Natchez gallery in downtown Natchez, MS.
She was invited to provide art for the 2013 Artists for a Cure Calendar with the proceeds from any sales going to cancer research. Plus, her art is often found on wallpaper sites, Facebook shares, Pinterest boards, and countless blogs all over the internet, including internationally. Alas, often without the artist’s permission. C’est la vie.
Christina Heurig is an artistic contributor to Mind Magazine:
Please contact her at: