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Solicited and Submitted Poetry

Please click a link to read a poem or introductory information:




Information and editor's introduction to the work of Richard Moss:


The Executioner           The Sun Torture              Soul                Upheaval                 Coffee Table




Editor's introduction to the work of Lea Wiggins:


Embers of the Spirit             Kaleidoscope             Wings of Love              If              Passion Burns




Editor's introduction to the work of Jacob Gorham:


The Trees Here Reach           A Strange Distance            Grip             Obligation              Energy




Editor's introduction to the work of John Schaeffer:


ISes Don't, And Nouns Are Not           SELF          BUNNIES AT THE ZOO          The Real-Time Blues




Editor's introduction to the work of Ilhem Issaoui


Selected work from Ilhem Issaoui's Thoughts of My Own




Editor's introduction to the work of Anja Jaenicke:








Editor's introduction and biography for John Laue:


Big Mind by John Laue [first appeared in The New Orphic Review, Canada]




Other Works:


Late Winter Fireworks by William Doreski              Love in Quantum Field Theory by Jared Smith



Low and Slow by Frederick Pollack                  Waiting For Lunch by Steven Sher



Circadian Rhythms by Heidi McKinley          Around the Block Poem by Paul Nachbar



of poets and poems now and then by Paul Nachbar              



Information about David Alpaugh and his work               Five Double-Title Poems by David Alpaugh

All artwork in Mind Magazine is the sole property of the artist, and under no circumstance may such work be used without expressed consent and permission of the artist. All text in Mind Magazine is the sole property of the author, and under no circumstance may such text be used without expressed consent and permission of the author.


All information in Mind Magazine is provided for informational purposes only, and is not under any circumstance to be construed as medical advice.

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