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Rich Norman Poetry

Click a link to read a poem:



From Posthumous Verse:



Introduction (Spark)      Cut Flowers      My Brother      My Sister      My Noontime Happiness        The Lie      


Waiting for Daylight      The Blessing Song      The Lucky      Trusted Steed      A Selfish Prayer (for an old friend)


Solitude             The Reunion Song             Remember             The Work Song              Better Understood     


Who Fired Prometheus?  [poetry in prose]              The Gratitude Song



From Poured Light:



Ineffable Limit      Blessed Unknowing      Wisdom's Bliss      Dark Paradox      Of Promise      Change is Becoming


A Moment's Falling       A Beautiful Wound      Somnambulism        Of Promise Unspent         In This Truth


Of Past and Present              The Challenge                  The Stone                The Light Song                Poured Light



Other material:



To an unknown friend                                            Something You Have Lost (the child song)   


Verse and Pearl: a future call and 14 thoughts              Verse and Pearl: an introduction and sixteen thoughts


Verse and Pearl: a call to life and sixteen thoughts       The name of man        A Place Beneath Silence (poem for Anja)


The River              The Clinking Chain             The Change              The Garden               The Note             But For This


Eagle's First Song           Ice and Wind (Poem for a "friend")   


Holiday present: The perfect moment concealed within hypocrisy [The Light Song, Truthful Wish, Prayer for You]


Existential Verse: A Whisper Warms Silence (poem for Blair); Eternity's Mirror (poem for Lea)


Our Two Worlds           The World is a Woman           Thunder (poetry in prose)           Dreams (poetry in prose)


A Place          Julie           From eternal places (poetry in prose)             For I am not          Shattered Time​


Hope––poem in prose (conspansion*)             Our Tender Hope              Rose and Sea (for Lana)


Storm of the World               Prayer of vanished days              The Broken Name               The Tattered Heart


But for who?           Fall            The Pearl            New Hope           Two Kind Thoughts              The Walk


The Black Cloud          Today          Within and Without            Open             Warmth            The Broken Father


Moments            Of Hope          A worthy riddle         True           Patience      A cup of light      It is this       This afternoon


I am but light

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