Click a link to read an article:
Necessity's idealist Aphorisms The Black Mirror Philosophy: Truth Lies Here
The Puerile Fish Cerebral Salt Peanuts First Order Existence The Break of Night
Competition, Cooperation, and the Death of the American Family Selfish Virtue
From Spirituality to Neuroscience: Our Harvest of a Bounteous Knowledge––A Nested Scientificism
Generation Y: man as plant Guilt and Knowledge Happiness Loves Company Hate
Ms. Kitty and the Couch of Death Ventriloquism and the Paradox of Foolish Intelligence
Our Lost Heart of Light Solitude The Exception The Dream Temple
The Inverse Cripple The Poetry of Knowledge The Worthy The Priest and the Atheist
Unappreciateditis Who Fired Prometheus? Music On the Returning of Gifts
Splintered Pearls: Volume 1. 128 thoughts Splintered Pearls: Volume 2. 104 thoughts
Verse and Pearl: a future call and 14 thoughts Verse and Pearl: An introduction and 16 thoughts
The Human Aesthetic Jacob's Last Rite Justice Lies Within (or Beauty, Truth and the Philologist)
A sea change of inches Thirty thoughts Verse and Pearl: a call to life and sixteen thoughts
The River, and 16 thoughts Cycles of Time Existential Shards: Splintered Pearl Existential Verse
Our Two Worlds: Essay, Verse and Pearl Our Tender Hope
Politics, hope and the international character of science: Kissinger in sweats
Fulfillment Religion vs. Spirit: Evolution and essence––Humanity's Kook-Work Orange, and an answer
My life…unity, a howling blade, and the flying avengers Fire
Of Leanne, Candice, Lana, Renate and the contingencies of fate
The inverse property of luxury, and naked happiness Follow the money: The maple, the worth, and the price
Us What's the point? A "Good" Appetite Something New: Of Nation and Race
The Walk and a "Good" Appetite: beauty, law and quantum ethical genesis
Future Wish: Self-referential tautology…an "onto-logic" antidote: from wish to world
Two Worlds The Devil's God Time Two beautiful things, and two thoughts
A Worthy Riddle A question of Faith Patience
Reincarnation in Today's Science and Kabbalah by: Rabbi Allen S. Maller