New Ideas
Please enjoy this video of my unusual one man percussion show––a new idea if ever there was one!

Click to read. Links must be copied from downloaded papers! [new material is added at the bottom of the page]:
A Novel Idea: From Symptom to Sublimation Active Relativity––virtual mass: the mathematics of divinity
My Addiction Our Lost Heart of Light Quantum Psychoanalysis Unappreciateditis The Remedy
From Spirituality to Neuroscience: Our Harvest of a Bounteous Knowledge––A Nested Scientificism
Brahma and universal process identification: Enlightenment––a psychoanalytic perspective Aphorisms
The temporal nexus of particle/antiparticle symmetry––and a coloring book Cerebral Salt Peanuts
A Roman Spring The System of Affective Assignment Guilt and Knowledge Necessity's idealist
Selfish Virtue Sublimation by Integration: the new paradigm of human personality––a psychical fusion
Ignorance and the Most Hopeful Question Ventriloquism and the Paradox of Foolish Intelligence
The Pharmacology of Murder: SSRI Drugs, Hysterical Psychosis, 5-HT and Repression The Poetry of Knowledge
The Orch OR theory of consciousness and the amplitude compounding harmonic multiplier
Psycho-ontology and fractal dimension: of micro genesis and structural limit
Limbic connectivity and sympathetic neural balance: the primary psycho-physiological locus of affect
Neuroquantology and the Cartesian Dualism: The bitter cleft of a closed mind
The new Bohmian mechanics: an empirical approach to the quantum/psychical dynamic
Entanglement and atemporal genesis: Homogenous dynamism vs. non-evolutionary cross-cancelation
Mnemic connectionist modeling: A holographic universal paradigm
The Universal Intelligence Network: Think Net––because a thought can change the world
A temporo-informational nonlocal model, and two beautiful thoughts
A Place Beneath Silence: Quantum entanglement and limbic-OFC dynamism––a human question
Speculations about Parkinson's and the affective SEEKING system, and The Shelless Horenki
Parkinson's, Profit and People: The science money wants hidden
Parkinson's, Profit and People: The science money wants hidden, pt. 2.
Superposition, perturbation and compromise formation symbolism: a testable quantum unconscious model
The Affect Information Model of Physical Consciousness: A = O

Mind and Consciousness: emergent primacy––the dream revealed
The neuroscience of primary empathetic connectivity: Create the light within
Big Pharma and the Government do care–––about money
QBism: a subjective quantum theory––analysis and evaluation
A new paradigm needs…a new myth
Impedance as red shift, schizophrenic amelioration with ultrasound, CRISPR and the death receptor
Logic: a quantum ontologic self-recursive affective product and affective distributional basis
Universal connectivity made simple, the spooler function, and eternal places
Modern Man: of phylogeny, guilt, obedience and consequence––an answer to old problems
Mnemic Psycho-Epigenetics: the foundational basis of depth, archetype and synthesis in psychology
The Epigenetic Unconscious pt. 1.
The Epigenetic Unconscious pt. 2.
(semi)-Regressive plastic attachment therapy
Quantum Unconscious Theory pt. 1
Quantum Unconscious Theory pt. 2
Something New: Of Nation and Race
The Walk and a "Good" Appetite: beauty, law and quantum ethical genesis
Ontological Calculus: The descriptive and relational calculus of human meta-psychology
Atavistic evolution: the nexus of human error and answer, pt. 1
Atavistic evolution: the nexus of human error and answer, pt. 2
Future Wish: Self-referential tautology…an "onto-logic" antidote: from wish to world
Wave-function as onto-physical transference: Collapse––an abstract encoding pt.1
Somatic adaptivity, affect and ego: a cursory analysis––from consciousness to social complexity
The Enigma that is Light. (Dunning-Davies/Norman)
Is This True? (Norman/Dunning-Davies)

Beyond the Veil Jeremy Dunning-Davies and Richard Lawrence Norman
Some Possible Links Between Drugs and Violence.
The technology which will save the world.
Review: Spintronic characteristics of self-assembled neurotransmitter acetylcholine molecular
complexes enable quantum information processing in neural networks and brain
Will Dreams be the New Front in Fighting Terrorism? by Daniel Oldis
The Answer: Roadmap for a New Humanity
Future's Mirror: The Endocannabinoid System in Human Pathology
Truth in Paradigm By Norman and Dunning-Davies
Experimental Confirmation of the Synthesis of Neutrons and Neutroids from a Hydrogen Gas
as published in the American Journal of Modern Physics
Toxic mechanics and solutions: heavy metals, ionizing radiation and compensatory antioxidants
Energy and matter creation: The Poynting Vortex
Geoengineering: an unacknowledged source of ozone damage, metallic pollution and neurodegeneration